Freedom and You - part 1
We tend to think of freedom as something handed down from authority figures when in truth we are all born with it in us. It is something granted by the ultimate authority figure! We can only lose it by consciously or subconsciously giving it away. This is an investigation into how our perception, conditioning and instincts influence the choices we make that impact our own personal freedom. 21:11
Freedom and You - part 2
In part 2, we look at more factors that influence our personal relationship with freedom. We look at risk & novelty, communication & conflict, and how censorship escalates conflict while de-escalation requires meaningful communication. We finish with what could be the most important factor impacting our freedom: self-imposed limits! 18:56
Who Am I?
"Who Am I?" is a question that anyone of us can ask of ourselves. How do we set our personal boundaries and form our sense of self? What are the healthy limits to our natural, God-given sovereignty over our own being? How does the experience of living through abuse or injustice impact where we set those limits? 15:40